- Iaʻu i haliʻa ai i ka moe
- A kāhelahela i kuʻu kino
- ʻOni ana hoʻoipo a hoʻohauʻoli
- I ka ninihi a ka Māluakele
- Hui:
- Nā ke aloha i hānai mai
- I kuʻu lā pōloli hoʻi
- Nā ke aloha i hoʻonui mai
- I ka manawa ʻono wai hoʻi
- Iaʻu i hoʻolaʻi ai i ka moe
- Hiki ana ka ʻōnohi i kuʻu maka
- E hapahāpai ana la e lana ka manaʻo
- E hui ka ʻōpua me ka lā
- ʻO kuʻu ipo milo wai a ka lā
- ʻO ka ʻawa ʻili lena a ka manu
- Mai mauna ʻoe i ka lihi wai paʻa
- O kūliʻu kuʻe hau ka manaʻo
- Ua laʻi ka nahele o Kalāhiku la
- Kula Kapule hei a ka manu
- Hoʻohāili mai ana o ʻAlihiwai
- I poʻi waikea na ka hau
- A thought came while I
- My body spread out
- Moving, wooing and bringing
- As the Māluakele went
gently by
- Chorus:
- It was love that fed me
- In my days of hunger
- It was love so generously
- At the time of thirst
- While I reposed in sleep
- A vision passed before my
- Just lifting my thoughts
- Joining the clouds and the
- My sweetheart like a whirlpool
in the sunlight
- The yellow skinned awa of the
- Do not waste the ice
- While thoughts penetrate and
- Tranquil forest of
- The source, Kapule, where birds
are snared
- Causes memories to stir of
- A white lid for the snow