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Source: Puluelo Park, Ski Kwiatkowski - Ellen Kalaukoa Naipo, the grandmother and Kapeka Kalaukoa Kamahoahoa, the grandaunt of Puluelo Park, composed Paliokamoa, also called Paliakamoa, during the late 1800's. This mele was first introduced by Robert Kahulanui Naipo, the oldest son of Ellen, at the Ka La Hikiola Church. Upolu is the northwest point on the island of Hawaii in close proximity to Kehoni, a peak in the Kohala range. Honoipu is a small inlet with a boat landing named Paliokamoa, where a steam engine powered cable, loaded and unloaded supplies from ships in the early part of the 20th century. Verse 1, stanza 4 refers to this cable at the landing. Kaname`e was the guardian star of Kaumuali`i of Kaua`i. Puluelo Park and her halau presented this mele at the 2002 Merry Monarch Festival in honor of her family |