- Kāua i ka huahuaʻi
- E ʻuhene lā i pili koʻolua
- Pukukuʻi lua i ke koʻekoʻe
- Hanu lipo o ka palai
- Hui:
- Auwē ka huaʻi lā
- ʻAuhea wale ana ʻoe
E kaʻu mea e liʻa nei
Mai hōʻapaʻapa maiʻ`oe
O loaʻa pono kāua
I aloha wau iā ʻoe
I kāu hanahana pono
Laʻi aʻe ke kaunu me ia la
Hōʻapaʻapai ka manaʻo

- You and I in the spray
- Such joy, the two of us
- Embracing tightly in the
- Breathing deep of the palai
- Chorus:
- Oh, such spray
- Listen
My desire
Don't linger
Lest we be found
I loved you
Your warmth
Calmed passion
Preventing thought
Source: Na Mele O Hawaiʻi Nei by Sam
Elbert & Noelani Mahoe - This is a love ballad by Prince William Pitt
Leleiōhokukalahoʻolewa (1854-1877), the brother of King
David Kalākaua, Queen Liliuokalani and Princess Miriam
Likelike. His name, "flight on the day of the full moon",
commemorates the funeral of Kamehameha III. A gifted
composer, it was believed he would have been a wise king had
he not died prematurely of rheumatic fever, at age
22. In the 1940ʻs, there was a parody based on this mele titled "Ta Ha Ua La". It was given English lyrics, an upbeat tempo and popularized by Spike Jones singing the lyrics in a guttural tone. It became known as the Hawaiian War
Chant" and is often confused with "Kāua I Ka Huahuaʻi. the original song.