Decoration Chant

Kû mai i uka i Mo'ohelâia
Ka 'ôhi'a kû i luna o Mauna Loa
Loa'a ê, Laka ê
Ho'oulu 'ai, ho'oulu i'a,
Ho'oulu 'a'ahu
Ho'oulu lako ho'oulu hula
No kau po'e pulapula e
'Amama ua noa noa kânâwai

It stands on the uplands of Mo'ohelâia
The ohia tree stands erect on Mauna Loa
Gathered for Laka
Cause food plants to grow, fish to increase
Give raiment
Give riches, inspire the hula
For your children
It is free, the taboo is lifted

Source: K. Garza-Maguire - This is chanted in the corner of the hall. Mo'ohelâia is thought to be near the summit of Mauna Loa in west Moloka'i.