Aloha Oʻahu (Beloved Oʻahu) - Clarence Kinney

Aloha Oʻahu lei ka ʻilima
Kohu manu ʻōʻō hulu melemele

Kaʻapuni hoʻi au a puni Oʻahu
Hoʻokahi mea nani aʻo Waikīkī

Moani ke ʻala o ka līpoa
Me ka poke ʻōʻio e ʻuese ʻono

Haʻina ʻia mai ana ka puana
Kohu manu ʻōʻō hulu melemele

Beloved is Oʻahu with the
Like the ʻōʻō birds its golden plumage

I have gone completely around Oʻahu
The one beautiful place is Waikīkī

The fragrance of the lipoa lingers in the air
Delicious with ʻōʻio

The story is told
Just like the golden plumed ʻōʻō birds

Source: Mana Collection - Some claim this was composed by Mary Heanu in the 1920's, others believe Clarence Kinney wrote this mele that takes us on a trip around Oʻahu. Waikīkī is named as the loveliest spot.ʻIlima, the official flower of Oʻahu, is compared to the yellow feathers under the wings of the black honey eater bird, highly prized for feather work. Līpoa, a seaweed mixed with raw scraped`ö`io (ladyfish) is a scrumptious meal anytime. Translator unknown, Hawaiian Text edited by Puakea Nogelmeier